Travian Help

I see there are many people lately that will help in terms of game Travian, 
specifically looking Travian Help. This depends on several criteria, in what you want help and you want help, he says simply Travian Help does not help much in the sky wants tohelp. But still I try to write some things that I consider that enter into this side Travian Help. 
The biggest help we can get a player of Travian think is on the attack and many will not be attacked. To no longer be attacked depends on the breed and the barbarians have to send troops in the village (mace), and make some cellars, the Romans have to do many cellars and not to take resources and try to do something Praetorians and the Dacians aid consists of major construction the dungeon help much at first. 
In a work that included every aspect Travian Help is the script: in Travian are several types of scripts: TravianCropFinder, Beyond Travian, Travian Map analyzer etc.. Theyhelp facilitate the game of Travian, no help in specifying the time you do an upgrade, no help you find croppers, etc..
Like they think are the main things that help a new player toTravian, and we also recommend all players to Travian.


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